ACT Spay/Neuter Clinic
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Planned Giving
"Cans for Critters"
The Many Ways You Can Support ACT Spay/Neuter Clinic 
Whether you have some extra time, extra cash or unneeded supplies, there are so many ways you can make a difference for cats and dogs in the central valley. By supporting our clinic you can help to stop the killing at our local shelters. 
If you have any questions  or would like more information, please contact ACT at:
Succeeding in our mission requires both clinic staff and volunteers. Helping out at local events,and helping out with fundraising are critical. 
Operating a high quality, low cost clinic is costly. Help by sending a tax deductible donation in memory of a special pet or person or just for you. We always need used towels, laundry supplies, can cat and dog food, cat litter and newspaper. 
You can continue helping animals by remembering ACT in your will or easy monthly giving through United Way or your company's matching donation program.
Recycle your aluminum cans & plastic bottles to fund surgeries for those who cannot even afford our low prices and essential feral cat clinics. Drop your cans & bottles by the clinic.

Current Donation Needs
Your Donations Help Keep Our Spay and Neuter Prices Low

Cat Litter
(For the cats in our adoption program)
 Laundry Detergent (HE)
(We do about 10-12 loads of laundry a day)
Lysol Laundry Sanitizer 
Paper Towels
Distilled Water
Large Cotton Towels
Puppy Training Pads 
(We like to put one in each cat trap for the comfort of the ferals)

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