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Things You Might Not Know About Feral Cats

1) If a kitten or cat lives outside, this alone does not make it a feral cat.

Unlike stray cats, which are friendly and allow you to touch and handle them, feral (wild) cats will not allow you to touch or handle them. Stray and feral cats are not a different species than your typical pet cats - they are identical - feral cats simply grew up outside without socialization to humans and are frightened by us, like most wildlife. Stray cats are cats that may have been abandoned or have become lost but were once handled by people.

2) Socializing feral cats older than 3-4 months is almost impossible and even small kittens take a lot of care and work.

3) Trying to manage feral cat colonies by trapping & killing is inhumane and ineffective. What is humane and effective is Trap/Neuter & Return (TNR for short). Sterilizing the cats avoids unwanted kittens and helps control the colony size, greatly reduces disease transmission, eliminates mating and fighting among the cats and lets them live out their lives in a healthier condition.

4) Learning to TNR wild cats is easy & ACT offers loaner traps for a refundable $50 cash deposit. Instructions on how to trap are available at ACT Spay/Neuter Clinic.
We are currently scheduling feral cats for May 2025 appointments. If you would like to schedule a feral cat appointment, please call 209-462-7729. Do Not Trap until you have an appointment.